-This is a true story about one of my favourite scientists.
-It's the story of one of the most important discoveries in history.
-I hope you like it.
In = en
was = era, estaba
doctor = doctor
to work = trabajar
worked = trabajaba
small = pequeño, pequeña, pequeños, pequeñas.
village= pueblo
England= Inglaterra
What's the matter? = ¿Qué te pasa?
I've got a headache = Tengo dolor de cabeza
and= y
lots of spots=muchas manchas, lunares...
(See Pupil's Book page 46.)
1. Was smallpox a disease in the 18th or 21st century?
Smallpox was a disease in the 18th century.
2. Was Jenner a farmer or a doctor?
Jenner was a doctor.
3. Did Sarah feel ill or tired?
Sarah felt ill.
4. Did she work on a farm or in a school?
Sahah worked on a farm.
5. Did the boy live in the village or the town?
The boy lived in the village.
6. Did Jenner rub pus on the boy's leg or arm?
Jenner rubbed pus on the boy's arm.
7. Was smallpox less or more serious than cowpox?
Smallpox was more serious than cowpox.
8. Did Jenner call his treatment vacca or vaccination?
Jenner called his treatment vaccination.
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