Sit on the floor.
Look right and touch your toes.

Nada: Do you play badminton on Friday?
Ilyas: No, I don't.
We play baseball on Friday.
We play badminton on Tuesday and
hockey on Thursday.
This animal hasn't got fur.
Juan Diego: Hi, Worthy.
Are you at the running track?
Juan Diego: Oh, Ok. Where's Julian?
Worthy: He's at the basketball court.
Mamut: Don't sit on the floor, please.
Stand on one leg and count to three.
It's got fur and very big teeth.
It's got a long tail, too.
It's a leopard!
Rayane: Yes, It has.
It's got scales and big eyes.
It hasn't got fur.
Salah: No, it hasn't.
It's got legs and a long tail.
It's got fur.
It's doesn't lay eggs.
It's a mammal.
We play badminton on Tuesday.
And we play hockey on Wednesday.
Jerónimo: Yes, I do. And I do judo on Wednesday.
Worthy: No, I don't. I play basketball.
I play badminton on Monday from 2:00 to 3:00.
I do gymnastics on Tuesday and Thursday at school.
I don't play hockey or baseball on Friday.
I go to the swimming pool on Friday.
I do judo on Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00.
How about you?
Do you go to the swimming pool and do you do judo?
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